Faulty Limit Switch

I have inductive switches on my 3XL. Just last night I had a fault. The Y axis limit switch is suddenly on all the time, irrespective of its position. I went to the controller and swapped the X and Y limit switch connectors. The led on the Y axis remained on while the X axis one responded normally with a spanner brought close. So it seems the limit switch or the wiring to it has a problem. I’m assuming that if the wiring was faulty the switch would not come on, but I don’t know exactly how they operate. I emailed support last night but I haven’t heard back yet. Any suggestions?

I would double check that the wire connections to the limit switch are ok, tug lightly on the individual leads at the connectors to see if one has come loose.

I am sure that Support will be with you shortly to guide you through some checks, if there is a fault in the switch or wiring loom they will sort things out for you.

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Yes, I’m hoping to hear from Support. It’s been more than 24 hours and it’s unusual for them not to reply promptly.

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Thanks Will, I assumed something unusual had happened…

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