Feature Request for Carbide Create

Could Carbide 3D consider providing a method to create reference geometry? This would be similar to setting a background, but based on a DXF or SVG file. I use a lot of little fixtures, and it would be nice to be able to load a file of reference geometry for the fixture (reference geometry could be snapped to, but it would not create any toolpaths).

Thank you for your consideration.

I use the Layer system for that:

If need be, lock the Template layer.


I find using a template in a layer really handy when doing a tiling job.


Another trick is to add your .svg files to a folder in the data directory /library folder. You can add folders for categories, and .svg files for the library items.

Here I’ve added my company logo to it’s own folder.



Tod1d: Where is the /library folder located? I can see the design elements library in Carbide Create Pro 7, but I cannot find it anywhere on any of the drives in my computer. I can find a option to create a new library, but it is in the tool database.

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For Windows see:

C:\Users\<YOUR USER DIR>\AppData\Local\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\library

just create a folder in that.

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Thank y’all for your input, it has been helpful.
I created the folder in the library folder, and it provides a useful place to store artwork I generate. Unfortunately, each time I bring in a file from there it treats the artwork as a new file, so I have to align it, paste it into the template layer, and lock that layer.
What I am doing to work around that is to create .c2d files in a templates folder, with the artwork I need already placed on the template layer and locked. I then mark the files as read-only in the file properties menu. This way I can open a jig file, drop in or draw the artwork I need, and save the file with a new name.
Thank you again for your help.

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You can create a folder of such .c2d file and then import a .c2d file to add its contents to the current file:

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