FedEx Import Delay?

I’m wait on a Nomad that was supposed to arrive Friday (I’m in Canada), but it’s been delayed because apparently FedEx needs detailed broker information. I did some searching and several people online said that this happens when the shipper says they’re going to use their own broker (rather than FedEx doing it), but didn’t supply to info for said broker. Has anyone else had this issue? Am I supposed to contact Carbide to get this sorted, or does FedEx reach out to them…? I’m confused because if it weren’t for me monitoring the tracking info, I wouldn’t even know there was a problem - no one reached out to me. So I don’t know if I’m supposed to do anything, and sitting around waiting for this thing is getting pretty stressful. I’m sure others here can relate LOL.

Please write in to and we’ll get this sorted out.

I did, a few hours ago. I tried calling, too, but didn’t get through and it seemed silly to leave a voicemail AND an e-mail, so I just hung up. I figured everyone’s busy so I thought I’d check in here, see if someone could at least give me an idea of what to expect, if nothing else. I also called FedEx and they offered to send me a form to just use them as the broker, but I wasn’t sure if that would end up being more expensive and I doubt they’re going to tell me if it is…

It’s a holiday in the U.S. We will be open tomorrow, but someone may be able to answer your e-mail sooner.

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Same happened with me last summer when I ordered my Shapeoko Pro and I’m in Canada as well. Basically there was a short delay and eventually FedEx reached out to me with the customs paperwork and I had the choice to use FedEx as my broker or use my own. I opted to use FedEx so I had to sign some paperwork to tell them to proceed. Obviously there was a brokerage fee to pay them and whatever duties and they eventually got it delivered to me.

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Yeah, I reached out to FedEx and hopefully it gets sorted soon and I get my machine by the end of the week. It got here all the way from CA, which is on the other side of the continent, and across the border, in less than 48 hours so I guess I can’t complain too much lol.


I live close to the border so pre-Covid, I used to drop ship my purchases close to the Canada/U.S. border on the American side and then self declare them to Canada Customs on the way back across said boarder. This allowed me to take advantage of Carbide3D’s free shipping in the lower 48 states. Just had to pay bridge tolls and a small fee to the place I picked up my purchases.

But this isn’t really an option now while the pandemic is still in full force.

So, I started ordering my Carbide3d products from They are based in Montreal and offer free shipping over $100.00 CAD. They also offer a a reminder email when things become available again.

Delivered to your door! No fuss and no Fedex muss or duty at the border(usually just HST).

Hope this helps anyone in Canada contemplating a purchase with Carbide3D.

P.S. I have no affiliation with either Carbide3d or except to say I am one of their many happy customers.

Also, don’t forget to shop the .ca website as they also have a .com and .uk and possibly other websites.

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Damn, wish I’d known about them a few weeks ago :frowning:

I checked it out and did the math, and it would have ended up costing me about the same. Carbide’s shipping was still free, and all FedEx charged me for (granted there’s still time for more fees to pop up, but so far…) was HST, which of course was never added when I placed my original order. But it sounds like I could have got my machine a lot faster, at least, and with less hassle. Ah well.

Thanks for the info, though, Paul. I’ll definitely check out Robotshop in the future. Cheers!

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