I know there is feed and speed documentation on how to set it.
But I would like to know at what feed and Speed to you run your Shapeoko 5 Pro. I am using the default value from “Shapeoko” database in CC but when I look at video on Youtube, Many Onefinity owner run there CNC a lot faster than what the Database suggest.
Is Onefinity CNC better than Shapeoko?
If you have feed and speed that you experimented that are working ok, can you share your numbers?
I really think Carbide 3D should issue a new database for 5 Pro with more agressive numbers, otherwises, we look shy compare to Onefinity.
There’s many things that play into speeds and feeds. How stable is your table? Workholding? How large and sharp is the cutter? Material? Unfortunately it isn’t as simple as looking at someone else’s different machine and emulating that. The best thing I can suggest is try different ones. Sometimes I’ll use the default feeds and then ramp them up or down using the override in carbide motion based on quality of cut or sound.
The defaults are VERY conservative and are designed as a place for people to start that will get the job done without drama. I run some aggressive feeds and speeds, but I also have 7 years of experience with Shapeoko machines. There is no replacement for listening to the machine and playing with that feed override screen button. Also, material removal rate is what makes jobs go fast or slow, and feed is just one part of that. Depth of cut is also a factor and many times you can remove more material by slowing down feed and increasing depth of cut. Doesn’t look as cool, but it has more use. You can do some outrageous feed rate, but if you’re only cutting 0.020", you’re removing material slow.
Feeds and speeds are an equation with several variables.
Endmill: How many flutes? Geometry of the flutes?
Material: How hard? Is is gummy? Does it chip? Does going faster just make it a shredded mess and unusable?
Spindle Power: Trim router, 1.2kw 2.2 kw
Workholding: Do you have it held down well enough so that a fast feed and high depth of cut doesn’t have material flying across your shop?
Then getting deeper into feedrate…what is the acceleration the machine can function at? If your acceleration is low, even over 24", you spend almost no time at the programmed feedrate. I saw a Onefinity video where the feedrate was programmed at over 1000 IPM, but over the 24" of the cut, it spent about an inch at that feedrate. So the actual average feedrate was MUCH lower.
I agree with the poster. Shapeoko came up with recommendations for other machines - it makes sense for them to update the recommendations to include some for the 5 pro. They can stay conservative, but the conservative #s for the 5 should be better than for any of the others imo.
@WillAdams does this make sense? All other things equal, should the 5 be able to go faster than previous generation shapeokos, and if so, can we get some updated recommendations?
Yes, the 5 can go faster, but at this time, we do not (yet) have official feeds and speed recommendations which are specific to it.
Perhaps folks can inveigle @wmoy to come up with and publish some? I’m a wimp, and just use the official feeds and speeds in Carbide Create, since it was entirely too much effort the one time I researched the feeds and speeds which were appropriate to Ipê using the technique suggested at:
it was ultimately more effort than I am willing to repeat, since I just use the official feeds and speeds from Carbide Create even on my nifty new SO5 Pro.
While I like the push-it-until-failure sentiment, I think it’s valuable to be clear to people who know a little less about speeds and feeds that conservative is good. It doesn’t break tools (usually), which means it doesn’t ruin projects.
Unless you really know what you’re doing, do not push against the limit right before failure.
100% agree. I guess I should have prefaced it with having about 8 years of Shapeoko experience combined with around a decade of CNC machine operation/programming.
Important variables in the equation that is my approach.