Finishing passes?

Cullen, you must be seeing one of them optical collusions. :smiley:

Perhaps, but the OP described them as “round nubby artifacts” and was able to resolve them by running another pass with a clearing bit.

I think @Tod1d may right about the bottom geometry of the clearing tool being the issue.

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OIC. My point was to suggest that those items shouldn’t be seen by the final recipient. Do something to clear it up before releasing the item.

That’s why he asked the question :joy:

The image at the top of the thread is after he ran a cleanup pass. The lower one was to illustrate the problem that he was dealing with when he didn’t run the cleanup. I agree those would have looked better if dealt with.

This is exactly what’s happening! I read your comment, though about it and boy oh boy did I feel silly for always wondering why that happens on occasion. Thanks for the help!

The problem you are seeing is almost certainly that the bit you are using is a so-called ‘fishtail’ bit:

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