First attempt at vcarve inlay (any help appreciated)

Today I did my first attempt at vcarve inlay and I need some help troubleshooting why it did not turn out.

for the pocket side these are my tool path and settings

The plug side was set like this:

Any insights would be appreciated.

Did you use a 60deg cutter? The picture looks like either a 90deg (cutting away more than you expected), or your Z-zero is too deep

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Thank you for the quick response and helpful feedback. Here is the carve bit I used. I was told it was a 60, and the geometry works out that way(I think), so maybe on both change I did not get the z correct with the probe.

Comparing angles on endmills is difficult — Maybe cut a V slot and then machine off half of it so you can see the profile?

How thick was your stock for the male inlay?

It was 1/2 inch poplar stock for the male side and 1/2inch alder for the female. Maybe poplar too soft and chips too easy?? Just for reference the piece is 3"x3"

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