I am going to machine my first brass project this weekend and I’m hoping to get some guidance. I will be making a ring rosary out of 1/4” brass. It will get a chamfer on all edges - I plan on doing this with my whiteside 60 degree v bit (1550). What feeds and speeds would be appropriate for this operation? This will also be my first 2 sided machining job. My current plan is to cut the chamfer & locating holes on side 1 then flip the brass and cut the chamfer then cut the profile out on side 2. Does this seem like a solid plan?
As for feeds and speeds, check what Winston and Julien use. A chipload of 0.001" is pretty safe place to start.
I’m not sure how you plan to chamfer the material without any contour initially. That means your endmill will be essentially v-carving into the brass. I would contour it partially through, chamfer, flip, contour, and chamfer to finish.