Why would my bit run into the table after a few pases?
I have a plywood of thickness 9mm.
Width= 573mm
Height = 510mm
Zero height: Top
Contour Toolpath:
S= 0.0mm
D= 0.3mm
I want to carve a letter to test.
You’ll probably have to let us know how you are setting your Z zero for the job (paper method? BitZero?) ?
That’s a very low depth you are cutting - how many passes is it making before it runs into the table?
Did it go more than 0.3mm into the table? If so, it might be that the endmill slipped in the collet. Do you use a spanner/wrench pair to tighten the collet?
@Moha, you’re going to have to give us a bit more information if you still want some help, at least in providing the .c3d and .nc files.
We can then look at these and investigate the issue for you.
Guys I think I figured it out… The bit was a loose in the spindle.
I try again and revert back if it persist.
Thank you all for your support.
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