Some coasters cut out of teak, for the local importer of SIG Sauer firearms. Modelled in Fusion 360.
Minimal hand sanding, and a bit of oil.
Overall, I’m quite happy, even though there are some small machining marks, and on one of them, I didn’t have the 1/8" ball endmill extended far enough.
I wonder if that is something Carbide Motion could check? It should know how far the Z-axis can extend, and could use the bitsetter tool length probe cycle to determine if the current tool can actually reach the lowest Z-point in the toolpath without the Z-axis bottoming out.
I agree with @gdon_2003, the sanding sticks are awesome. I bought both sets because I wanted the full range of grits for whatever I encounter, and I have used every one of them at one time or another.
And if anyone is interested, here’s a pic of the holder I designed and printed. I printed it up side down and hollow, and filled it with cement and put a neoprene pad on the bottom of it. If anyone wants it, I can throw it on Thingiverse.