First sign..need ideas and some questions answered

I think it looks nice, and the little flaws only give it personality and a special sense of “someone spent time doing did this just for me”. Well done…both for the project itself and to have seen this through.


Thanks @Julien . The painting of the letters was the most tedious part and something i need to either avoid or do differently in the future.

You could select customers with short names! :smiley:

Please come to the realization that this is what sign making is all about. The finishing is more than half the job. Would more money for the job make the work more palatable?

It’s a bit difficult when they are family :slight_smile: :

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I’ve seen a lot of stuff off of etsy and purchased from “professionals” that doesn’t look nearly as nice as this. Nice work!

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Considering this was a gift…yes, $$$ would have made things easier but at the same time hard because it’s a paying customer.

Especially when the family member is in the same field as me ( aka my jedi master as he likes to refer to himself) it makes it extra difficult because hes got the same eye for detail and a pretty high bar of standards!

I’ve been toying with this idea…what does one think a sign like this could fetch with the average customer?

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Beware of Etsy (etc.) … the place where all great ideas are spread quickly times millions! :smiley: You’ll always have less competition locally; both for product ideas and $$$.

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For pricing, I think it really depends.

Personally, I would expect to pay $200+ for something that size and that custom.

The average person, who believes your cnc is mostly magic from Frosty the Snowman’s hat and spits these out, would expect to pay $50.

I’ve worked in R&D for consumer product companies for over 20+ years and you couldn’t have said it better…especially when it comes to custom items. It’s crazy what people think they should pay vs. what it actually cost to make (materials, labor, etc.).

I wish my first sign projects looked this nice! Good Job.

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This backs that up pretty well…

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