I have a sea of holes aluminum table. Essential to my work holding efforts. It was looking dinged and nicked after many hours of usage. I decided to resurface it today and discovered to my surprise that it was uneven. I expected some but this is what it looks like after two passes of -0.0025. The top right corner got material taken off by just running the surfacing path at Z0. The extra 0.0050 taken out after two passes had the board looking like this:
It still looks like I could do one extra pass. It feels very smooth but looks funky. All done with a 1/4" flat endmill. Any suggestions to even the look out?. Polishing?.
I’m not sure how much of this information actually transfers over to this sort of machining, but… I’ve seen several Keith Rucker video’s on youtube where he’ll use a sharpening stone to take down any burrs on the surface when it gets to this point.
About 17 min. I wanted to be conservative to minimize chatter as I was using a 1/4" end mill. Wanted as smooth a finish as I could get. To the touch is very smooth.