Fonts and inlay

I just ran into this and wanted to see if it’s worth addressing in CC. I’m trying out an inlay for the first time, and it worked fine, but I lost the dot on my “i” in the plug. It was in the file, but was touching the 6mm offset contour and was therefore not cut. I figured I bumped one or the other in tweaking the file before cutting. I made some other changes at my main computer and then sent the file to the laptop I run my S5pro with. I double checked the layout and again, I’m losing the dot. Finally, the penny dropped: although I had the font installed on both computers (a Mac and a PC), the fonts were subtly different, resulting in the dot on the i shifting relative to the offset outline. Once I converted the text to curves, everything worked. I usually don’t convert text to curves because you lose the ability to edit it, but it’s crucial here, especially if you use non-standard fonts.


Active text font issues can show up on all sorts of digital output device from printers to lasers to CNC. For this reason if I have a file that has text that will require editing then I save a separate “Live text” version of the file for later editing but will still convert all live text to outline/curves before outputting to device.

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