Frame object prior to start

This thread is exactly what I was going to request, but I see it is worth mentioning again.

one button “Frame” option ala Lightburn, please.

I think it’s important to remember that a laser and a cnc router are not programmed or operated the same.

Not to mention An additional dimension.

Light burn is an all in one design and machine control. So it has all the are also not moving your coordinate zeros around.

Where as carbide car use motion can’t actually see the design. It can only see the g code that’s been up loaded which is point a to b to c….

They have come along way with the g code preview when loading a file. Quick and easy way to look at max travel distances to verify zeros. And for people like me that very rarely move zeros it makes it very
Easily to visualize the extents of the g code travel.

You are correct, Motion currently cannot do these things which is why I am requesting this feature in the Feature Request section.

+1 to this.

This is one of the reasons I keep going back to gSender with some regularity, though gSender calls it “outline”.