not working like I “think” it should. Drawing simple circle, snapping a line down the middle. Want to just snip away 1/2 of circle. Can I snip away 1/2 of circle? Not letting me.
Try using boolean tool. You get a preview of action. If you choose wrong use Ctrl Z to reverse action.
Carbide Create does not have a “Snipping Tool” — do you mean Booleans or the Trim Vectors tool?
There are a couple of possible results/interactions here:
First, the Boolean operations require two (or more) closed paths — they won’t work w/ an open path, so instead of:
you will need:
which will yield one or the other half depending on which operation is selected and which is the key object (indicated by a dashed highlight):
The nice thing about Boolean intersection is it is invariant of which is the key object:
As noted, the Trim Vectors tool will work with an open path, so:
will work:
just click on the segments which one doesn’t want to remove them:
Eventually one may get a message such as:
Note that the selection comprises two objects:
which necessarily are not closed.
Select them:
and use the “Join Vectors” command to close them:
For more on this sort of thing see:
Thanks William, I tried again with the Vector Trim (see my attached circle and line). My cursor will make the vector I want “hightlight” but not delete when I click it. I’ll continue to fiddle with it.
If you exactly pass through existing nodes sometimes this doesn’t catch — try putting a node of the circle on a grid intersection, node editing to move it off the grid, then edit again to put it back, restoring the circle-ness, then rotate by 1 degree — that should allow it to work.
Wow…that sounds like a workaround for a bug. Do you know if the defect is logged?
Yes, that has been logged as a bug.
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