Fusion 360 post, VFD not starting

Hi All,

this is my first post… :grinning:

first a little bit of context.
current machine, Shapeoko5 4x2 with the Carbide3D VFD
Computer, M1 Mac Mini

prior experience.
Nomad 883

now my story,
I have been enjoying the Shapoko5, it is working well with the bundled software. It is now time to move past 2.5D and try programming with Fusion 360. a few years ago i was doing this successfully, programming with Fusion 360 for the Nomad, even using the raspberry Pi for carbide motion.

now i must be doing something wrong with the post in F360, the motion control is fine but the VFD is not starting. i pulled the carbide3d post from the autodesk website.

the VFD is running fine when i program in Carbide Create. the main difference i see is the format of the M3 command.
CC writes it “M3S1600”
F360 as “S1600 M3”

i tried editing this line in a text editor but the VFD still didn’t start.

Do you all have any suggestions?

Hmm, first thought is, what is the minimum speed of your spindle?
I think GRBL needs at least 50% to turn the spindle on.
So try something like 8000 RPM


Tod wins,
I have now miss typed the rpm multiple times, i intended to type 16000.
once i added the 0 it runs with either format, the speed before the M3 and the speed after the M3.

thanks Tod,


Yeah, those zeros are important on the front as well. Turns out there is a real difference between .2 and .02 :joy:

For some reason I end up putting …25 or something like that for max depth all the time as well. That seems to translate to 0 so I end up with empty tool paths. Happens more than I want to admit. Need to pay more attention.


:joy: yep…my machine tends to do exactly what I tell it to do…which translates to plunging head first into a cut that I mistakenly inputted. I double check everything now and take extra time.

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This does come in handy when programming drag knife/etching paths. Just set the rpm to less than 50% of the minimum speed, and it won’t turn on. (I usually use 1 RPM. I forget if it will accept 0?)

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