G-Wizard download blocked for VIRUS?


I went to download the trial of G-Wizard and my PC warned me there was possibly a virus, spyware or additional programs attached to the application. I blocked it and deleted.

Anyone else experience this? My impression from their website is that possibility is real. It reminds of the famously sleazy MACKEEPER application that would infest macs with all sorts of nonsense.

The CNC Cookbook folks certainly have an old-school web site, but their involvement in CNC, and their application are legit (if one is willing to accept Adobe Air applications).

Of course, we can’t really criticize this sort of thing, since Carbide Create/Motion keep getting flagged as malware / infrequently downloaded apps.


There’s some info here about a certificate warning:


Might see if that’s your issue, if not try contacting the CNCCookbook guy directly.



Been using G-Wizard for 6 months with zero spyware / malware / other issues. It is probably an overzealous security scanner on your system. I’m very comfortable with computer security and have no doubts about trusting G-wizard.


Thanks… I was worried knowing there is so many ways to infect a windows machine and being a Mac user since 1996, I just wasn’t sure downloading was a good idea with the laptop trying to block the download. Not sure I need or want G-wizard but I may download the trial.