Going to GRBL 1'1

I am going to buy a touch probe and I know that I need to up date my version of Carbide Motion which is version 3.0368.
NOTE: In order to use the Probe, you must upgrade to Carbide Motion v4. For more information about that, see this article - Updating to GRBL v1.1 Do I need to upgrade to CM v4 firs and then update to GRBL v1.1.
Another question I am using Vcarve Pro for designing. In there I use the post processor called Shapeoko.
Will that still be ok to use…
Thanks Jeff

Order shouldn’t matter.

Yes, the post-processor is still the same — you may want to look into using a different one — I believe that older one doesn’t do G2/G3 arcs, see: https://wiki.shapeoko.com/index.php/Commercial_Software#2.5D_CAM

when I go to the link you posted I don,t understand what I am supposed to be looking for .
The vectric post processor I use seems to work fine.
Do you use any vectric software for designing
Is there a better processor in the vectric soft ware you would recommend.

Yes, I bought Vectric Vcarve Desktop and used it for one project.

You wanted to read:

Nomad post-processors by Mark Bellon (mbellon on the Carbide3D forums

which is footnoted to:

with further discussion at:

What version of V carve are you running

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