Grave / Tombstone engraving

How many briliant minds have attempted or coninue to successfully engrave in stone for those who have passed. Upright stone. I have viewed some brilliant tiles etc. Very impressive. Id like to attempt until successful to do a stone for my father. Any and all suggestions would be amazing. Its all new to me, but this project is worth my time and a collective knowledge on the subject would be best. Thank you all in advance for your replies and knowledge.

What sort of stone?

How large?

How deeply do you need to mark? What sort of marks do you need to make?

Most companies which do this use machines which use coolant, or they just cut a rubber frisket and use a sandblaster — cutting such a frisket would be quite easy — that said, if I wasn’t planning on getting an issued Veteran’s tombstone I’d be making arrangements for one of slate w/ the letters hand cut (there was one such tombstone for a Civil War soldier at the family church when I was young and it made an impression). c.f.,

which includes Michael Harvey’s

There’s been some discussion of it here:

Any kind of stone…perhaps which ever is easiest to work with if theres many differences.

Size would be about 30 x 18 with a depth to fit under a gantry of a S5 4x4.

Depth of cut would definitely be something id need help figuring out which is best.

I think mainly it will be text, letters and numbers, and perhaps some nice design features to make it not look to plain.

Where are you planning on sourcing the material?

One option might be a cabinet fabricator — marble is $40–$150 per sq. foot, while soapstone, which is softer and more easily cut is $70–$120.

Once you have the blank you can work up toolpaths.

There is an example for marble at:

and soapstone at:

Is there a reason why working with a local company specializing in monuments isn’t an option?

Thats great information thank you.

Working with anyone is certainly an option.
Do you mean, work with them to get the ‘stock’?

I just want to be the one actually doing the work. Otherwise, for me, its just a stone. Sort of the same idea that my family lived in a house but my parents created a home. I want the pride in knowing i took care of him.
I suppose its more for me, but thats fine too : )

Thanks for your time and information

Stock is the material which one cuts.

Probably you could buy the material from either a countertop fabricator or perhaps buy a blank stone from a monument company?

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