It’s Walter here from Italy…
I own a Shapeoko 3, one of those early batches… And I have just updated to grbl 1.1, yes, better than never
But I experience a problem, the machine count double, 10mm became 20mm and so on.
I’ve used the Carbide motion settings to generate the config file… Could anyone suggest me the correct way to correct this issue?
Thanks a lot and apologize about my poor english!!!
Does this happen in all directions? I believe the early boards had toggle switches on them that need switched? I’m pretty sure something like this happened to me on one of the machines I was helping fix up?
Support or @WillAdams might be able to weigh in better though. (You should e-mail support).
Thanks for reply…
Yes, all directions… I did not mind about switches… Now I check, in case I email support…
Just for confirmation, here’s one of the post where Will confirmed the DIP switches need to be toggled to 8x
And it works as expected! I confirm, need to to toggle switches to 8x.
TKS to all for your help!!
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