GRBL Alarm 4. Probe Fail. The probe is not in the expected initial state before starting probe cycle

Has anyone experienced the error message “GRBL Alarm 4. Probe Fail. The probe is not in the expected initial state before starting probe cycle.”?

I have been using my Shapeoko 5 Pro for months without any issues. Today I tried to use the machine and I got that message while the machine was initializing.

I used the machine late last week with no issues, and made no changes to any set up since I last used it.

Do you have a BitZero? If so, where is it? Where is the groundlead? Are they touching?

If you power up and connect to the machine and go to Settings | Debug does a Prob input show?

What colour is the LED on the BitSetter? What happens if you push/release the button?

I do not have a bit setter.

I’m not sure I know what you mean by where the groundlead is. Could you elaborate?

There is radio button option the the Settings>Debug>Input Pin State window called “Probe/Bitsetter”, and it was selected.

The left LED (Installed in the front right of the machine) on the BitSetter in the idle state is red. When I press the BitSetter the second LED lights up and changes green.

A BitZero has a magnet/clip that hooks up to the router collet nut when probing with the BitZero. The BitSetter and the BitZero are internally tied together and if your magnet/clip is grounded you get an error because it thinks the BitZero and/or BitSetter is activated. So if you had a BitZero when stored people let the magnet/clip dangle and sometimes it hits the frame of the machine and that causes the two devices to be triggered all the time.

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