GRBL Alarm 8 Code - Homing Fail

Just received my machine 2 weeks ago. I would not run so Carbide sent me a new controller and I was able to run 2 test jobs last weekend - everything was great until…

Tonight I go out to the shop as I need to get some wedding projects done this weekend and I get a GRBL Alarm 8 all of a sudden…what do I do. I am new to a CNC however since I have had this machine for 2 weeks I am continually having problems.

I would appreciate any help you can direct my way

There is a list of error codes at:

and for Error 8:

GRBL Alarm Code 8 - Homing fail

Pull off travel failed to clear limit switch. Carbide Motion does several checks to avoid this error so it is very rare in a Shapeoko or Nomad CNC machine.

and it has a link to:

for this.

I am not sure what you want me to do. This is pretty frustrating having all these problems in the only 2 weeks I have had the machine. Hopefully things get better.

If the troubleshooting page doesn’t help, write in to and we’ll work through this with you.

I’m new to cnc as well. Just got started with my machine a few weeks ago. I sometimes get an error when I hit my limit switch, I am able to move back off the switch, causing a second alarm but it moves fine after resetting the second alarm.
In the beginning I had issues with hard and or soft limits causing issues, I turned them off and all is well so far.
I know there probably correct ways to fix this, but this is how I work around. I dont get an error when I home.

ok thank you for your help