I opened my shop and turned everything on, I hit initialize, the Z axis went up and as it as it started moving along the X axis toward home it moved but made a loud BURRRRR sound and when it got to home it stopped and froze making the loud BURRRR sound for 8-10 seconds or so. The Z axis did not go down/move at all thus the message of Homing Failed.
I just used the machine a few days ago and ran a 10 hour job with no problems. It’s a lightly used machine, no more than 50 hours at the very most so I’ve no clue what’s going on.
As with any issue I’ve ever had I’m confident the Carbide 3d folks will get me back up as always. I’m adding a video once it’s uploaded to YouTube.
Ok, so it came down to user error on my part. I have the matching up and running as I type this.
Always remember when switching to the threaded table and then back to the MDF spoil board to also switch back to the shorter screws that go with the MDF board. The Threaded table has longer screws and if used on the MDF board you will tighten the table to the bottom base of the machine and freeze up the table. Once I changed the bolts it got right back to normal.
Thanks Carbide 3D support for coming through as always. With this type of support I feel comfortable picking up a Nomad 3 to add to our shop.