Hailing from Fort Wayne Indiana

Greetings and Salutations,

I have been a member of this group a short while and thought I’d give a shout out to all. I want to let you all know how welcoming this group is. From what I have witnessed it is very helpful to all questions.

I have noticed there have been local contacts made as well. I was wondering if anyone may be in close proximity to or in Fort Wayne Indiana as well.

Being I am looking forward to ordering a SPRO XXL that would be so cool. If not I am sure I will be making a lot of friends here over time.

I am sure you will soon find I am a little off in the head and like to find humor where ever possible. :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :upside_down_face:

Thank you,


I’ve seen quite a few of your posts here Eric and am looking forward to your getting the PRO and displaying your projects here as you go through the process.

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Thank you Mike,
You are one of the persons I was referring to as being welcoming and helpful.
Keep up the great work.

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Mike, maybe you can answer this.
Where do I go to access the preference settings? Discobot tells me I disabled them somehow?

In the top right corner of this page, click your account icon then click the Preferences icon image and then the Preferences gear, which should get you there.


@discobot testing this this to see if it works

You’ve disabled me in your preferences. You need to allow new user onboarding tips to interact with me.

Followed your instructions and didn’t see an issue so I changed it and saved and changed it back and saved now it works? Go figure?

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