HDZ Won't Hold Up Router - Aggressive Grinding After 'Project Initialization'


My wife took a video of the problem. I’m not super experienced in machinery maintenance, and would would really appreciate if someone more knowledgeable than us could help.

We just bought this less than a year ago and are trying to make Christmas presents for our family.

Link to video - https://photos.app.goo.gl/81tzuUQ4xdUTz963A

Thanks in advance,
Nathan & Carolina

It seems to be homing the Z-axis as expected — the problem seems to be with finding the homing switch for X or Y.

If you go to “Bypassing Homing Switches” at:


and test the machine motion, does the machine move as expected in each direction for each axis?

If you then test each homing switch does each signal as the correct input?

Let us know what you find out at support@carbide3d.com

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