Help, Carbide Motion 618 bitsetter issue

I recently updated carbide motion as I bought a pro 5 (which I don’t have up and running yet). But the issue I’m having is on my old machine, Shapeoko 3. I set it up in Carbide Motion, however it isn’t giving me the option to move the spindle over the bitsetter any more. Am I overlooking something? I never had this issue before updating. Thanks for any help!

The BitSetter location is set in the Setup Wizard in V6. This doc has the full process: Shapeoko Machine Setup


Thanks Rob, I went thru the steps, just didn’t save the configuration before moving to the next step. User error as usual :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: thanks again!

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I have this same issue. I have reinstalled multiple times, I have followed setup line for line. I have tried doing it in setup and just adding bitsetter afterwards. I never have options to move the machine.

The document linked above has instructions but the short version is:

  • Click Move to Default Position
  • Then fine tune the position on the next page.

Just a follow up about the same issue. So I moved my gantry forward, do I need to go through the setup again or is there a way to move the bitsetter location? If so I can’t find it

You need to go through the setup wizard, but you can skip downloading settings to the machine again.


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