Above. Just lost a file after making changes. Won’t open except as blank, Motion doesn’t even read it. Please help, I was on the final step of a 4 hour cut, not counting the time it would take to recreate the project…
Please upload the .c2d file here (or mail it in to support@carbide3d.com)
Are you using some sort of backup software? Or a Cloud storage option which keeps previous versions?
When working on complex files I like to save incremental versions using descriptive filenames as I work — that way I can get back to previous versions if need be.
After my momentary panic, I did indeed revert using OneDrive, and unfortunately don’t have the corrupted files.
If I had to wager a guess, I’d say the issue was interference in the WiFi, since the main file was stored inside the house, and the laptop that runs the machine was in the garage. I made a change to a cutting path, and disabled all the previous operations, and when I hit save, it took an abnormally long amount of time to save. When I attempted to open in Motion, it failed.
Note to self and others - Backup, backup, backup.
I can, however, upload the journal file, if that would help?
Addendum - It’s the Journal file. If I restore that to the same folder as the properly working .c2d, that file is suddenly blank. Move the journal file somewhere else, suddenly the project file functions as expected.
i have same problems
File no longer exists
Can you restore it or a previous version from a backup?