Help HDM gone mad

My hdm started stalling on return from a bit change, sounds like it hits something. Then errors out. In the past I’ve had to clean and lube and all works well. Now it’s not working and to top it all off…

Every time I initialize it goes down vs up on the Z errors out and bombs motion. I’ve reinstalled motion and have tried everything.


I left a message for support.

Here is what started the issues.

I have this happen every so often and I clean, blow out and the Y rails out and lube the rails and it works

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Almost 100 percent when the z moves the wrong at init it is configuration. The original belt z and hdz move opposite of a z-plus. So if your z moves the wrong way resend your config. The config is mostly configuring CM.

Please write in to and we’ll do our best to get this sorted out w/ you.

Did you get this sorted out? If so what was the issue? I think since you run alcohol mist you might be washing the oil off your rails significantly faster than plain cutting and might need to setup a schedule to top them off every X amount of hours and relube the ball screws.

Yes, it seems to be more related to the rear limit sensor that was going haywire, I worked with the amazing support team and tracked that down, there is a lot of aluminum and mist chips on the connections so I cleaned and sealed that and then they sent a new limit sitch and cable. So far all back as planned, eating aluminum like it shoiuld


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