Help needed adding to this design

Hi All,
New user in the last couple of months but really loving Carbide Create Pro. I have created a sound wave file of the first dance song at my wedding and intend to carve it into wood or aluminium. So far so good.

But I want to add a QR code to the design so that it takes my wife to the song in Apple Music. I have the QR code in PNG and SVG formats but can’t seem to add it to this design and then have a tool path created for it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on this?

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Upload the SVG of the QR code?

Probably you’ll need to either union all the touching elements, or adjust things so that nothing touches (inset slightly) and then assign an Advanced V carving toolpath.


thanks. OMG! Would you believe I just couldn’t see how to import the SVG, but your post helped me look for it! Thank you

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This looks cool and a great idea to memorialize it! I’d love to see how this turns out. I did some soundwave engraving but took a diff approach.

Check out this site. It is free and makes a round image like a vinyl record.

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