Help needed with 6061 aluminum cutting - Fusion360

I am a newbie when it comes to machining aluminum on my Shapeoko.

My original adaptive settings were based on Winston Moy’s videos on machining aluminum and adaptive toolpaths for the Shapeoko. He gives a ‘recipe’ of 96 IPM with a 0.075” DOC.

I would agree that I could probably make a 0.030” DOC work with adaptive. I was just going by what the expert said the machine was capable of.

Adaptive toolpaths have a lot of extra motion which turns in to additional time. In my case a 0.015” traditional was about the same time as a 0.075” adaptive. If I changed the adaptive to be 0.015” the time would increase 5x. A 30 minute traditional cut would become a 2.5 hour adaptive at 0.015” DOC or 1.25 hour at 0.030” DOC.

I will have to experiment, but 0.030” DOC is still going to have some rough sounding cuts until the pocket is cleared enough for the adaptive to start. :man_shrugging: Maybe a single flute is the answer here.

Not arguing with Vince (I have seen the stuff he makes on FB). Just trying to learn and understand the best way to machine parts on my hobby CNC👍🏻

When you switched back to traditional toolpaths, did you use a set stepover?

Definitely pick up a single flute. That 3F 45° has such a tiny sweet spot compared.


These Datrons seem impressive. :wink:

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