Hi. Got a Shapeoko 3 xxl
Carbide create 514 (in one computer ) and 520 ( other computer)
Carbide motion 521
Every time I use Advanced VCarve in ether of the software 514 or 520 I can’t change bits when the first job is done. No pop up for change bits. The program just pause and can’t go forward to change to V bits because have no option. Got only Start and Stop. What I am doing wrong?
Hello Mark!
Do you also have a BitSetter? I understand that is a requirement for Advanced VCarve.
I don’t have a bit setter [quote=“Fresia, post:1, topic:33190, full:true”]
Hi. Got a Shapeoko 3 xxl
Carbide create 514 (in one computer ) and 520 ( other computer)
Carbide motion 521
Every time I use Advanced VCarve in ether of the software 514 or 520 I can’t change bits when the first job is done. No pop up for change bits. The program just pause and can’t go forward to change to V bits because have no option. Got only Start and Stop. What I am doing wrong?
Okay. You’ll need one then.
Ok. Thank you. I will order one. You think that will solve the problem?
The bitsetter let’s you run a single gcode file that uses multiple tools. It enables the prompt for a tool change and measures the tool length changes so that you don’t need to rezero mid-job.
There is a utility for splitting files at:
as Will linked to, GcodeSplit - Split gcode files by toolpath is a browser-based tool to help you split gcode files. Having said that, I would very highly recommend a bitsetter, it makes it much more accurate (the machine automatically measures everything) and painless (it’s just one go).
the bitsetter is by far my favorite add-on to my shapeoko 3XL … before I dreaded designs with multiple bits and now… much more design freedom basically.
You’ll also need to select the correct post processor once you have the BitSetter.
The BitSetter is great. It makes the Shapeoko a real cnc machine. There are a few times you need to disable the BitSetter. When you level your waste board is one or if you cut off the front over the BitSetter. Just uncheck it in config and mark location and remove it. After those jobs put it back and check BitSetter.
Neil was refering to use Shapeoko for post processor.
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