Hey Guys,
I’m trying to make an ornament in carbide create but i’m running into a little trouble. Basically what i’m trying to do is create some text within a oval outline. I attached a pic of a example of what im trying to achieve . I’m not trying to make the stars as well, just text. I’m using carbide create but cant seem to figure out how to join the text to the outer ring so it can be cut out as one. I’ve also attached a photo of my design so far. Any guidance as to where im going wrong would be greatly appreciated!
Looking closer you text also has to overlap the circle.
First you need to convert the text to a path. I do this by drawing a bigger circle around it, and then select both and use a boolean subtraction.
Next you need to position your text on the oval with parts of it hanging over.
Then select the circle, and then just the outer text portion, not the inner circles for your “e” or “g”.
After selected use the boolean subtraction. Select only the original outer text portion and then hit delete.
and your left with
That’s EXACTLY what i needed to know. Thanks!
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