Help with texture tool paths

I’m trying to make a couple of small ornaments out of .25 ply with some text on it. I thought it would be cool if I could give the text a look as if the text has been stitched on. I’ve been playing around with the texture tool paths and havn’t been able to get the look quite right. Is that something that is possible with texture tool paths and if so, how would i best go about it. thanks!

What sort of geometry are you using? Post the file?

Could you post a screen grab showing your settings and a description of in what way things aren’t as hoped?

I’m not sure if this is what your looking for but in Inkscape you can create tent with dashed lines.

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Such special effects would need to be instantiated as geometry to be imported into Carbide Create - Path | Object to Path is one command for this sort of thing, there should be a matching command for Strokes.

Texture toolpath varies the depth of each cut to simulate being carved. If using a ball cutter it looks like it was carved with a gouge chisel.
Stitching would, theoretically lay on a plane and be a series of bumps / semi-cylinders. I think you could come close with a vee-bit and a lot of close parallel lines.


Looks like texture toolpath with a vee-bit & very little variation also works


Here’s one technique for this:

Convert to paths:

Inset by how much the stitch should be to the inside:

assign a dashed stroke:

Convert the stroke to a path and assign an Advanced V carving toolpath to cut around it:

Here’s the file if you want to experiment w/ it:

T-stitched.c2d (220 KB)


That looks cool. I totally read “stitched on” as “embroidered” :smiley:

Another possible interpretation… ??

Thanks so much for all this fantastic info. What Tod mocked up is pretty close to what I had in mind. I was originally using square endmills but it looks like using a v bit will get me much closer to what I’m looking for. and thanks Will for the file for more of a traditional stitched line look, I’m going to mess around with that as well.

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