I am in the process of setting up my Pro and have a problem that I was hoping someone could compare with their set up. I have read a couple of threads where it recommends checking the motor shafts to make sure that one of the set screws seats against the flat part of the shaft. The belt gear on my X-motor shaft sits further back than the Y-motors as I believe it is supposed to.
The problem is that both set screws are set against the round portion of the shaft and not the flat portion. If I move it forward so a set screw is against the flat portion, it is slightly out of alignment with the two belt bearing wheels, and it feels like the belt is binding between the gear and bearings. The machine also will not home all the way to the X-limit switch. Is it proper for the screws to seat against the round portion?
Found the problem…thanks for the replies. I moved the belt gear so one of the set screws is on the flat portion of the shaft. Turns out the noise and failing to home was due to the black wire on the x-motor cable not being seated all the way into the connector. I will email support to ask for another cable.
Pro or regular the pulley should fit over the stepper motor shaft and one of the set screws should be on the flat, the other will be on the round part of the stepper shaft. It may one of two things. 1. The set screws have created a burr on the stepper motor shaft and tightening them moves the pulley. 2. The second thing you need to release the belt tension and tighten your set screws because the belt tension may be pulling on the pulley causing the mis alignment.
Some people replace the 3mm set screws with 3mm x 10mm Cap screws on Shapeoko and would most likely work on the Pro. The reason for the longer cap screw is it is easier to tighten the cap screw with a larger allen wrench and you do not have to worry about stripping the head of the tiny 3mm set (grub) screws. The cap screws will work as long as they are not so long they hit something on their rotation around 360 degrees.