Hole probing for endmill diameter measurement?

@neilferreri, I re-read the thread where you posted the CNCjs macro to find the center of a hole. I get that this is useful for e.g. making a probing cycle independent of the endmill diameter, which is fantastic.

Since the hole diameter is known, and the procedure determines the center X0/Y0, and the X/Y values are known at each of the four touch points, we can compute the actual diameter of the endmill (i.e. X- chord is at offset Y, therefore it must be D long, but since we measure M, therefore tool diameter is M-D)

My question is: what kind of precision do you think we could expect on this endmill diameter measurement ? I guess machine calibration ($100/$101) would severely limit the accuracy of the result, and we would also include backlash in the measurement, but I have no idea what ballpark accuracy we could get, and whether this makes any sense.

I’d imagine its dependent on the resolution of the machine and if any upgrades have been incorporated (screws/motors/etc).

I couldn’t find specs for the shapeoko, @WillAdams ?

I sorta documented the resolution on the Nomad to line up with the specs listed on their site. Will made a good point regarding motors and just the stock hardware being the limiting factor in general (unless upgrades);

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Assuming the shapeoko error would be around twice that, that would make it relevant to check whether a 0.25" endmill is actually e.g. 0.247"

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@Julien I didn’t use the hole diameter or center macros for endmill diameter, but I do have one posted to calculate the diameter of the endmill with a probe block of a known size. It might be better to do it using the hole (if that’s accurate) because you wouldn’t have to worry about the block being parallel to axis motion. When I tested the endmill diameter calculating macro, I was always off by a bit. After my experimenting with the tool change probe macro (see thread @PaulAlfaro linked), I may have to revisit the tool diameter calculating macro.
I sometimes find myself chasing down solutions to problems I don’t have.


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