Homing Problems

Has anyone experienced this problem while the Nomad Pro is going through the homing process? It just makes this loud stutter and then it stays put there stuttering away until I turn the machine off.

I have tried manually moving the x-axis back to center while the machine is off per some other threads, but no luck. I have tried moving the spindle down to center along the z-axis as well. I have disconnected, powered down etc…

My machine is currently unusable as I’m stuck at this point and it’s really frustrating.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

Failed X limit switch is my guess… I don’t have a Nomad, but I believe they use limit switches. I know the Nomad interfaces via the large multi-pin IDC socket, and I’m unsure how your switches interconnect.

Any Nomad experts out here have cable interface pinouts?

Sound just like a bad driver, and in this case a Y Axis driver. Contact Carbide3D for assistance (I think yo need a new board)

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The x limit switch seems to be working (I think) because after I turn the machine off during the stuttering, then turn it back on with the spindle still as far to the right of the machine as possible (where you see it at the end of the video) and try to home it again, nothing at all happens and I get a limit switch error.

I just had that exact problem. Z limit switch was the problem. I know this because x and y weren’t moving at the time. These are normally closed switches, so turning them “on” is really turning them off or opening the circuit . You could verify this by shorting the leads together or swapping one of the others. Hope this helps.

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X-axis motor? Check with Jorge by email to support@carbide3d.com.

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I wish I knew what this meant, but I’m fairly new to this and not that familiar with the machine in terms of all the parts. Is there a more (explain like I’m 5) way of putting this?

I don’t want to mess with wires or the innards of the machine without knowing exactly what I’m doing I guess.

I see your ticket in the support system, and will be responding as best I can there — this is probably going to have to wait until Monday when the folks in California get in I’m afraid, but we’ll see what we can manage in the meanwhile.

I just wanted to follow up on this and share how stupid I am with everyone. I used the longer hex bolts to screw a wasteboard into the plate as you can see in the video and actually had the plate screwed into the bottom of the machine. That sound is the y-axis trying to move, but it is literally screwed…

Left 5 screw marks in the bottom of the machine. Will this affect anything?

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There should be enough clearance beneath the plate — if you see any wear marks, take a file to them them (after taping off the opening and surrounding area) and cleaning up the filings carefully.

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Ok. The plate slides free of the indentations and nothing appears to be raised.

Just curious why I would need to tape off the openings if I file the bolt marks…

My apologies that I missed your question — I would tape the openings and around the marks so as to not have any metal filings get into the works and to avoid messing up the surrounding area w/ the file.