Homing without Zaxis


I have just added a JTech Photonics laser to my SPXXL.
Using Lightburn and I want to home the machine without moving the Z Axis.
Can this be done?

GRBL cannot home without moving the Z axis.

Ahhh Man?

So one cannot edit GRBL to ignor Z movement? So I have to reset Laser focus each and every time?



Homing behavior is compiled into GRBL, it’s not a runtime setting.

Is there a way to automate focusing a laser?

Can a custom Z-probe be used?

I’ve never used one, but it should be like setting a zero.

I just thought of the answer. Lightburn does not have a probe option.

Thanks Rob! If I’d given it more thought I’d have known the answer.

After your figure out your focus position in Z after homing you could use quick actions to move to that Z position. After getting to the Z position you want you could go into the laser mode with your software like LightBurn or other.

Is there a gcode/mcode command for flipping a “homed?” flag to true?

Obviously this would come with multiple caveats, but it could avoid or minimize movement along the z axis.



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I might recommend you make a simple spacer tool based on the focal distance to set your Z height.

Universal Laser uses this sort of tool and process: link

I have one. Once I set it I prefer it not move.

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