How can I convert a PDF of the SO3 waste board to dfx

I would like to convert the PDF file of the waste board on the wiki to a dfx to get it cut on a commercial CNC machine.

Is there an easy way to do this?

I have F360, and Inkscape but have only just started to learn them. If they can’t do it is there anyone able to supply a dfx file I can use?

Can you get what you need from the downloads on this page?


Thanks Travis. I’ll check it out today and see if it has the actual wasteboard or if it is the code to drill work holding holes in an existing board.:+1:

The official / current wasteboard file is at:

I would just open that in Inkscape delete everything which is not needed, then scale to the actual size, then export into a format Fusion 360 will import.

Thanks Will
I have just been re-reading Edwards book and decided to give that process,using Inkscape, a try today. It will be good practice and I was wondering if that would work or if I would finish with a dfx of the plan sheet…never thought to delete the unwanted bits (doh!).
Best I get all the house chores done ASAP if I want to have some “Me Time”

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