How do I create separate objects?

I’m scratching my head here. Looked over the forums and reviewed some of the videos and I still can’t seem to get this simple task correct.

I want to separate the two white bar from the red bars into two distinct vectors (red would be one object, white would be a nother). I tried creating a line and joining, but the join option doesn’t appear. I tried subtracting with boolean, adding, etc. I can’t seem to make it happen. What’s the simple way to do this?

File for reference:
Mass Effect Jon.c2d (316 KB)

There are a couple of ways to do this sort of thing.

One approach would be to Node Edit:

and to right-click on the nodes in question and choose “Cut Vector”:

This will need to be repeated at appropriate places:

Then, w/ the segments which you wish to isolate selectable separately:

You can draw in geometry and and Join things to close:

Repeat this for the balance:

Note that it will be desirable to address the overlap:

Repeat on the other side:

Repeat as needed for all other regions.


Thank you! That helped a lot

Did you create this from an image? I see what looks like a background image in Will’s tutorial, but if I open the part I don’t see the image ??? Any chance you could share the image?
And what do you intend to do with this? Epoxy Inlays?

Yes, I imported it for a trace and used the image in the background to double check the lines. I just grabbed this from the ol’ information super highway. Right now, I plan on just painting and poly over the whole piece. I want to give it the faded used look like it shows in the original image. I’m not sure how to do that just yet, so I’m still researching for some ideas. Maybe just use a sponge and some black paint to give the faded effect.

You could use a Texture toolpath to create an irregular bottom to the design:

If you use different settings/angles it will further help to differentiate.

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