How the new year is starting

I’ve struggled a bit to get the static and disconnects under control, so decided to get a little more aggressive with it and finally take some of the advice and suggestions I’ve seen posted here over the last couple of years.

Sunk an 8’ copper grounding rod just outside the garage/workshop and connected it to 8-gauge unshielded copper wire that I ran into the garage where I connected it to several points (dust collection tubing, workbench, Shapeoko etc).

Moved things around a little and gave the place a good dusting out - fresh start to the year and new projects lined up, ready to ‘crush it’, as some say.

Started initializing the cutter this morning and was greeted with ‘ggggggggggrrrrrrr’ from the X movement against the limiter.

Small roadblock, should be an easy fix, but dang-it - only a week into the new year.

Just one little wire, how important could it be?!

Hey at least its a easy fix :slight_smile: and its decently warm down there … -8°C here today and shovelled snow out of the driveway 3 times. Propane heater in my garage needs a refill… :rofl:

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