How to account for the snugness of cutting pieces that will fit together


I got my xxl up and running and I am working on a project similar to “The Simplest Box” which uses a slot and tab to join the pieces together.

When I create files with my own design and set the contour tool path offset to outside right the pieces were quite a bit looser than I expected.

I am new to CNC and wood working so my apologies if my vocabulary is off.


Best thing to do is cut some scrap for a test fit and iterate until you get the desired fit.


If this is a new machine have you calibrated your machine. Even if you machine were out of calibration it would be consistently out of calibration for all parts but that could lead to your pieces not fitting together perfectly. Also remember wood is an imperfect medium. Generally plywood is stable but wood does move and is susceptible to moisture. Take a look around on and on this forum for projects and see how they cut their tolerances.


What @gdon_2003 said :arrow_up:

Also, John Clark has a YouTube channel with videos showing how to built various boxes, and the principles of interference fit of the lid and base of a box is demonstrated well (I think) in this video for a heart-shaped box.

I’ve used this video to design and make my own very simple boxes (including a heart-shaped one).

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