How to create stroke around text?

I tried to think this over and it seems like it will possibly be very time intensive or complicated to do.

I want to have pocketed out text, lets say each letter has a height of 1", then I want there to be a super thin wall (1/2 - 1/4 of a mm) then on the other side of the wall I’ll run a pass with a 1/16" end mill to create the stroke effect. One side of the wall is white the other black. To make the letters pop. Hope that makes sense.

Any way to set that up in carbide create? I’m feeling a bit lost.

You would offset to the outside:

One concern though is that this will round by the radius (this is an intentional design/feature) and create poly lines — if you want sharp corners and curves, then you will need to export the geometry and do this in a 3rd party tool.

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Thanks, looks a lot easier than expected! What do you mean by poly lines? I’m not familiar.

I’m decent in photoshop and illustrator, could it be done in one of those programs?

Yes, this could be done in Adobe Illustrator, then you would convert the text to paths (there’s a menu option), then File | Exported to SVG (might be “Save for Web”) — be sure to uncheck the “Responsive” check box so that it will import at the expected size.

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When exporting SVG use 96 DPI. Some save in 72DPI and will import into CC the wrong size. If that happens create a rectangle/square the size you want the svg to be and use the resize tool to shrink the SVG to the desired size to fit into the rectangle/square. Then delete the rectangle/square if not needed.

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