How to cut clean text

Hello all, Recently I tried making a sign and the text on the sign were not as clean as they could be… still had very small debris in the bottom and side walls of the text. This was even worse once I put paint on the text. The debri / tiny burs was even more visible so I scrapped the project. This was very hard to clean out with small text.

I sanded the project down with no success, How do I get a clean text after using a Vbit and or 1/4 inch endmill?


use down cut mills… clean cut

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do a second, much faster IPM, finishing cut. It’ll essentially be an air cut but will clean up all the walls and bottom of the letters. I had the same problem until I started doing second passes and now it’s super clean – depending on the material. It won’t fix any tearout in ply, for example, but any stray pieces will be sheared off.

I have several brushes I use to “clean-up”

Soft Brass, Tooth Brush, Hard “Tooth Brush” so hard I would never use in my mouth type. Brush used to clean carpet (great on MDF to smooth sharp lines).

Of course getting most of the furries removed while cutting is best.

Good Luck


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