How to download a file from Cutrocket (Windows)

as requested on support…

If one wishes to download a project such as:

click on the “Download Project” button:

which will download the file:


to the Downloads folder:

At this point, double-clicking into it to open it (in File Explorer) will reveal a “Projects” sub-folder:

double-clicking into that will reveal another sub-folder:

and repeating a third time will yield:

a .c2d file which may be copied somewhere convenient, re-named, and then opened and sent to the machine once the zero is set as noted in the Notes:

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Thanks Will! Great stuff.

My limited experience… I seem to get a lot pre- Version 7 files. Any suggestions there? It asks a question – I forget the exact wording: something about converting. Bottom line (for me) they rarely work.

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