How to fill a field with hexagons using Carbide Create

as requested on support…

… insert a pattern (ie hexagon or honeycomb pattern) into a template?

Carbide Create does not have an automatic facility for that — here’s how to do it manually…

First, select the geometry which one wishes to fill:

Then draw in a hexagon:

Then position it so that the design will be encompassed by the hexagon:

and use the Linear Array tool to make a column of them:


copy-paste the stack:

and drag the duplicate into alignment with the first:

Then, select all the hexagons and repeat, doubling their number:

repeating until the field is full:

Select the region which is being used, and duplicate it in place by copy-pasting with the cursor outside the drawin area:

Then add an alternating selection of hexagons to the selection:

and use the Trim Vectors tool:

to allow one to delete what is not encompassed by a selected hexagon along the perimeter:

until one arrives at…

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Join Vectors:


Repeat until one arrives at:

Delete the unnecessary geometry:

Attached as v7 file.

Utah_beehive_v7.c2d (92 KB)


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