How to get fine details on a lake?

Hello everyone, I’m sure this is a very newbie question but bear with me. I have had my shapeoko for about a month.

I’m trying to figure out how I can go back after pocketing out a lake and get the fine details from the small creeks and pockets. Is it as easy as creating a contour tool path around the edge of the lake with a 1/32 or 1/16 end mill? Or maybe I can close some of the creeks and pockets off in carbide create and set a tool path to pocket those specific areas? Just thinking out loud here.

Any advice is appreciated!

  • Joey

If you have Carbide Create Pro you can use REST machining for small details with smaller tools.

The usual suggestion though is to use V carving (or Advanced V carving) with a suitably acute V endmill — that allows arbitrarily small details.


I cut many many lake maps with contours. I ruff pocket with a 1/4 em then contour with 1/8, 1/16 and if needed 1/32


I’ll have to try that this weekend and see how it goes. Thank you!

use 1/4 em but give it a .300 diam. in tool table that will give you extra material on the contour for finishing.

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