@Jorge @WillAdams Sorry for the triple bump here, but I figured something out that may help…
I was able to get by (this time) by hacking together a couple of rectangles by using the “Generate Outline Cut” option, which just just takes in length, width, and offset info. At first, the NC file just hard crashed the spindle on my workpiece, like it did before. So, I started examining the G codec, and I found a problem. There’s no command to turn the spindle on.
It seems like the file is missing the M03 command, and its S10000 speed setting. Here is the G code generated for a simple rectangular cutout…
( PCB Cuts )
( Generated by Carbide Copper )
( Material Size )
( X= 152.000, Y= 102.000, Z= 1.580 )
G00 X-0.294 Y64.794
G01 F750 Z0
G01 F200 Z-1.580
G01 F200 X-0.294 Y36.706
G01 F200 X22.794 Y36.706
G01 F200 X22.794 Y64.794
G01 F200 X-0.294 Y64.794
G00 Z3.000
G00 Z3.000
And here is my edit, to make the spindle turn on, which created a good cut…
( PCB Cuts )
( Generated by Carbide Copper )
( Material Size )
( X= 152.000, Y= 102.000, Z= 1.580 )
M03 S10000
G00 X-0.294 Y64.794
G01 F750 Z0
G01 F200 Z-1.580
G01 F200 X-0.294 Y36.706
G01 F200 X22.794 Y36.706
G01 F200 X22.794 Y64.794
G01 F200 X-0.294 Y64.794
G00 Z3.000
G00 Z3.000
Nothing else was added, except the line containing “M03 S10000”
Can you please add this spindle on command to the export function of Carbide Copper? This happened when I generated the toolpath as individual steps, into a ZIP file. Not sure if it also occurs if you export a single file for the whole path.