How to make this circle

I’m trying to make a specific circle that looks like this

I’ve been trying to do it with a square but it doesn’t look quite like that and it comes out like this

Is there any way to do it with the circle or is it a whole new shape that I have to do? and how can I save the shapes with the size that I create?

Draw the circle:

Draw a rectangle which defines the straight sides:

Select both and either use Boolean Intersection:

or, Trim Vectors:

Until one arrives at:



and use Join Vectors to close:


If you wish to re-use a geometry, export it as an SVG:

Save it with a suitable name, and then make a folder by About | Carbide Create | Open Data Directory and navigate into the Library directory:

C:\Users\~\AppData\Local\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\library

(on Windows — use your user directory name in lieu of ~)

make a folder in there, and copy the file into it, then when you bring up the Library and select that folder:


Wow perfect explanation this helped me out a lot! And saves me so much time!