I am running Carbide Create Build 520. In the older version of CC you could right click on a tool path and move a tool path up or down on the list but I don’s see that option on Build 520. Is there any way to re order the tool path list in Build 520. Looks like you can create a separate group and move that up or down but not individual tool paths within a group.
Also, can you move a tool path from one group to another group.
I figured it out. Looks like you can drag and drop to reorder tool paths within a group or move from one group to another. Its a little tricky but it does work.
Be careful using this because if you try to drop a tool path over another one it disappears.
If this happens you can use undo to bring the hidden tool path back
I have experienced the same issue moving a tool path. You said above you can undo, was that with control Z or how did you undo?
The first time I tried the tool path would just go back where it was or disappear. I wish they would go back to the right click and move up/down.
If you can provide a repeatable example of a file w/ a Toolpath which will vanish when dragged please send it to us and let us know the specifics at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll do our best to assist.
Your standard answer ’ provide a repeatable example … and send it to us and let us know the specifics at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll do our best to assist’ while frequently is an appropriate response does not seem to address this issue.
This is a change to the user interface that introduces unnecessary errors where none existed before. Sometimes a mouse and keyboard provide more precision than a drag and drop operation. As one who appreciates and owns a mechanical keyboard for jogging the router I think you can see the value in re-establishing the original functionality to change the order of the tool paths.
Drag-drop re-arranging of toolpaths was a frequently requested feature, and should represent a huge improvement over the tedium of having to select a menu entry for each level one needs to move something.
Using the contextual menu, while reliable, was a repetitive thing which is not in-line w/ typical user expectations.
I will stand with gdon_2003 in this regard.
Using contextual menus with their greater reliability is more desirable than typical user expectations with their inherent introduction of errors.
Offer both methods as options.
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