How to save as gcode and not nc

I bought the pro and it’s not saving as a gcode, but rather a nc. I bought this software because it said you could use any cnc machine. I was using Estlcam to save as gcode after sending the file from Carbide Create. I’m trying to eliminate the extra step of having to use 2 programs. Have I made a bad choice? Can someone help me?

NC is a file extension for G-code, and should work anywhere that G-code is expected, since the content of the file is G-code.

If the program you are using expects a different extension, change the filename to the extension which you need.

Why is it that .nc is not acceptable?

A Gcode file is a text file that contains commands for NC machines.
You can open in any text editor.

The file extension of .nc is a defacto standard, but not crucial.
If your application uses a different file extension, then rename as needed.

When I started out with a Shark the gcode files had to have .tap. I used CC to create the gcode in v6 and below and just changed the file name to filename.tap from Gcode is gcode no matter what extension you have on the end. However some machines like the Shark controller would only accept gcode that was .tap

Now with the Shark and CC some gcode commands would just leave the Shark sitting there so I had to figure out what gcode commands the Shark controller did not understand and edit them out with a text editor.