I’ve had my S3xxl for about a year+. I am trying to set up two tool change with using the bitsetter for the first time. I’m have trouble setting job zero. I’m beyound lost at this time.
I’ve had my S3xxl for about a year+. I am trying to set up two tool change with using the bitsetter for the first time. I’m have trouble setting job zero. I’m beyound lost at this time.
Roger, the BitSetter has little to do with setting the job zero.
You XYZ zero, as usual, after the machine is initialized and homed the first time (or any other time.)
After the machine is initialized and homed the first time, don’t EVER change bits without using the “change bit” button in Carbide Motion (CM).
Yes, there is a lot of “wasted” motion back to the BitSetter, but it is what it is. You can’t change it without changing your gcode sender (and you seem like you aren’t ready for that just yet.)
It does work if you follow the recipe.
Thank you. I was beginning to believe that one had nothing to do with the other but didn’t want to proceed without checking with someone that knows more than I.
If I am not going to use multiple tools, then I should disable Bitsetter in settings, correct?
Some folks disable the BitSetter, other folks leave it enabled.
If you use a Probing Pin for your BitZero, then you’re essentially using two tools per job, so it makes sense to leave it enabled for that.
Thank you for that suggestion.
Just use the BitZero properly. There is a rim around the bottom of the BitZero on two sides. The BitZero is placed over the edge for corner measurements of X Y and Z. If you only want to set Z then the recess that goes over the edge is placed on top of the material and not hung over the edge. So when you want to probe pick your V2 version and then what type of probe you are going to do, X Y and Z together with the BitZero setting on a a corner overhanging the corner, or X or Y or Z with the BitZero held on top of the material and not overhanging the edge.
The BitSetter is simply comparing the last time you set Z zero either manually or with the BitZero and checking the current bit in the router and setting the same zero as the last time you set z zero. The last time you set Z zero may have been the last time you used your machine last week or from minutes ago. It is important to set the Z zero for every new project with a different material thickness. Sometimes you may run the same job over and over making duplicates and it would not be necessary to set zero after initially setting Z zero if all you material is EXACTLY the same height. If you material varies then set Z zero separately on each piece.
Lots of good information. I’ll be back at it in the morning.
Thank you.
No one on the forum was born with the cnc knowledge. Everyone here had to learn and so will you. Keep asking questions.
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